National u3a Virtual Choir

From National Office:
u3a Virtual Choir is back with a new song! All singers welcome regardless of experience in real or virtual choirs.

About this Event

Following the success of the Savannah project, we are pleased to announce that Richard Keoghoe of Plymouth u3a is back! This time with springtime inspiration for singers entitled After The Storm. Flex your musical muscles once again!

There will be a set of 6 workshops over 6 weeks.

2 – 3pm every Wednesday starting 24th February until 31st March 2021.

Singers will be introduced to the music during the first session and later split into groups to learn the individual parts. All singers will need to stay muted over Zoom as they learn the song, but can unmute to ask questions and will be given the opportunity to sing to the group if they wish to.

Towards the end of the sessions, singers will be invited to record their voices at home and send voice recordings to be included in the final choral piece. Guidance and support on how to record and send your voice will be given.

The aim is to produce a virtual choir video recording, which will appear on the u3a youtube channel. You can view the finished product from the previous project here

Music by Richard Keoghoe

Workshops will be hosted by Richard Keoghoe, Sandy Boden and Jane Kemp.

This event is for u3a members only

For dates and to register see Register