We are delighted there was good interest and support at the meeting held on 17 October in Saintfield Community to have a new u3a for the Saintfield area. If you are looking for a new interest, a chance to meet…
We are delighted there was good interest and support at the meeting held on 17 October in Saintfield Community to have a new u3a for the Saintfield area. If you are looking for a new interest, a chance to meet…
NI u3a Summer School – 14th & 15th June 2023 Bookings are now being taken for the NI Regional Summer School in Greenmount College on 14th and 15th June . You will find attached Booking Form Booking information sheet with the conditions, cancellations, travel…
Like other organisations u3as need to keep up to date with technological changes and with this in mind the Region organised a meeting in which representatives of different u3as could discuss shared problems and learn possible solutions. For the notes…
If you’re missing your regular Face-to-face Bridge club meetings, you’re not alone! Like you, Great Yarmouth U3A Bridge Club wanted to keep playing during these strange and difficult times, so they decided to go online. Back in July during the first…
Many of us are having to live our lives online, via zoom or other technology, and this has led to many new opportunities for u3a members. Most of the 25 u3as in Northern Ireland provide online events The National Office…
From National Office: u3a Virtual Choir is back with a new song! All singers welcome regardless of experience in real or virtual choirs. About this Event Following the success of the Savannah project, we are pleased to announce that Richard…
Ukulele Groups have become very popular for u3as in Northern Ireland and Rose Marie Bradley, who has organised zoom sessions for u3as at national level, arranged one just for Northern Ireland u3a members. Anyone interested in findount out more about…
The U3A has undergone a rebranding with a new logo. Full details of the rebranding can be found on the National Office website https://www.u3a.org.uk/
The Third Age Trust which is the parent body of U3As in the UK has set up a separate “virtual” U3A which is entirely online and which offers a large number of groups you can join. See https://u3asites.org.uk/trustu3a/home . Anyone eligible…